Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where I learned how to make a blog button

Okay so I really was going to write this all out, but to be honest I feel that there is no easier way to explain(plus I'm insanely busy, please don't hate me)

So here is the link to the site that helped me make my button:

Make your own button for blogger blog by Oikology101

Also if you don't have time to make a button, and you want something absolutely adorable.
Check out Dirt and Lace Designs, She will make you a button and it only cost $5

Please if you have any questions let me know, I'll help you out.
Making a button can be kinda confusing but that link above made it so easy!
You just need to find a background,picture or color your want to put your blog name on.

Email me a Whodoesntlovecoupon(at)yahoo(dot)com


  1. Thanks! I was wondering how to make one.

  2. Thanks Jenn! I actually figured it out and that says alot since I am the worst at anything computers. I just shrunk down my header (that took me long enough to figure out).
    Thanks for posting this again.

  3. Thanks so much...Ill have to check it out when I have TIME :)))

  4. Thanks for the info. I will give it a try today and let you know if I figure it out LOL


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