Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Little Miss Sassy

Lady A officially entered the 'terrible twos' recently and has gain the title of Little Miss Sassy! My once peaceful home has turned into a place where the words NO and MINE are way over used.

She is still my sweet girl for sure. Anytime someone says ouch she is the first one to run for 'elmo' (one of those boo-boo things you put in the freezer) The other day I bumped my head on our bed, she looked right at me and said "Mommy hurt? Oh Honnneyy! Elmo?"

Dealing with the terrible twos isn't going to be blast but I have already realized a few things to make it easier for the both of us. Like most toddlers, she LOVES to help! I can easily avoid a tantrum with simply asking her to help me with something. She is just as frustrated with me as I am with her... She isn't doing what I want her to do and I am not doing what she wants me to do which can leave us both annoyed.

It will get better... rigtht?

Any toddler advice, I'd love to hear it!

1 comment:

  1. great solution~! At two they love to be involved in everything.. so you are right... by diverting their attention and asking them to help you with something usually does thwart the tantrums!.. and besides that... it diffuses everything, so after the few moments a new bond is enhanced between toddler and mom! great post!
    Cathy B*****y pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
