Monday, September 13, 2010

I stopped Couponing..

Ugh, I must admit it. I have not been couponing lately. Yes I know I know, what am I thinking. I guess I have been all wrapped up with getting ready for the baby. With a baby on the way you would think that I would be trying to save more with coupons, but not. So now I'm on a mission... Get back in the coupon game. I need too.Not only for preparing for our little girls needs, but also for the fact that I won't be working when she first gets here.
I went to Target yesterday and spent $60, and I have no clue what I got!!! I use to spend like $15 on over $200 of groceries!

Am I the only one out there that has ever taken a coupon break?
Any advice for getting back in?


  1. It is so wonderful that you are pregnant! Congrats!! :)
    Thank you for putting my button back up, I am so happy to see it here!
    Smiles, Pennie :)

  2. I shop Aldi when I don't feel like couponing...they don't accept them anyway!

  3. I have recently taken a break, I took most of August and the first few weeks of September off. My stockpile has kept us fed and we've eaten out a few times. I'm ready to get back into it now!!

  4. Jen- I'm feeling the same, I hate it too because when I don't coupon my blog suffers.


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