Sunday, April 18, 2010

Missing Comments

Last night I purchased the domain name of  As you may notice my blog is now missing comments.  I have been told that these comments will be transferred over in 24-48 hours.  I am very hopeful that they will transfer over, as i know I had many entries for the 3 giveaways, I have open right now.  I want to apologize if this has confused anyone and i will hopefully have this fixed very soon.  Thank you


  1. Hope it's all done correctly for you soon. Let's see if this comment works..

  2. That happened to me last week as well. I purchased a new domain and my comments disappeared. I freaked out, but they came reappeared later that day. Also, I noticed that even though they weren't showing up on my blogger address, they did show up at my new domain. So, hopefully yours will show up as well.

  3. Congratulations on purchasing your domain name! I'm contemplating doing the same thing and a name change. I'm thinking that I'm going to unveil the new name with my first giveaway and then later do the domain name. Anyway, congrats again! I hope your comments come home soon! :)

  4. Thanks Katie! That's a good Idea. I was thinking about changing my name too, but I kinda like it and I haven't heard of any similar names, so I guess that's good.


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