Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lesson Learned -Check your Papers before you Buy!

Grr, I am not happy but I learned a lesson. Always check your papers for inserts before you buy them! I have one Paper delivered to the house and that contained all four inserts, but the ones I grabbed at the store made me sad! Here is what I got

Delivered Paper:
1 Smart Source
1 RedPlum
1 P&G
1 Publix

Paper from store #1
0 Smart Source
1 RedPlum
1 P&G
1 Publix

Paper from store #2
o Smart Source
1 Redplum
1 P&G

Paper from store #3
o Smart Source
0 Redplum
0 P&G
That's right NONE!!!!
What!!! AHH!! OMG!!!

Weird how all 3 papers from the store had no Smart Source. Reminds me of last week when the paper delivered to me had no smart source and the the papers at the store had no smart source! What is going on!?


  1. I got 2 papers on only the P&G and Red plum inserts!


    P.S I have a coupon train starting if you are interested:

  2. You are so right. I stand there and check the papers everytime. I have had people ask me what I was doing before or the cashier will question me as if I am trying to steal something. LOL, I just tell them I am checking to make sure the coupon inserts are all there before I buy the paper. They look at me kinda weird ad I just smile.

  3. Ya, I check my paper every time and if my husband buys it, I make sure he does too.


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