Sunday, February 28, 2010

Walgreens B1G1 Purex + B1G1 Purex Coupon= 2 FREE Bottles!

Walgreens has the Purex 50oz (some even have the 44% more bottles= 70 oz) on sale B1G1.
Match that with the B1G1 Purex coupon from 2/21 and you have 2 bottles of Purex Laundry Detergent for FREE. I have the ALL Detergent stocked up in my Garage right now, But i can't pass up FREE!!

*I have read on a few blogs, some possible problems with some Walgreens not taking this coupon, but really can it hurt to try? If you happen to be buy a Walgreen and have your coupons in, stop in!

-Order Extra coupons if this is your favorite brand, Stock up.. no better price!

Thanks Clippin' with Carie!


  1. YES!! It works...I got eight free today at two different Walgreens... What a DEAL!!!

  2. I didn't see this in the paper today. Was it not advertised? If that is the case, I will order a bunch of coupons tonight!

  3. Twyla- I know, I was so excited, when it worked at the register!

    Lindsey-Its on mega-saver sale all month long, so it wasn't in Sundays ad :)


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